What is your eyelash growth cycle?

Eyelashes aren’t just a pretty feature; they are designed to prevent objects from getting in the eyes. Each eyelash is actually a sensory hair that reflexively shuts the eyelid whenever it is touched by dirt, dust or anything else that could possibly get in the eye.
We have up to 150 lashes on the upper lid and up to 80 lashes on the lower lid of each eye, which are perpetually moving through a natural growth cycle:
•Anagen (growth) Phase
Approximately 40% of the upper lashes and 15% of the lower lashes are actively growing in this phase for about 30 and 45 days.
•Catagen (Transition) Phase
During this 2 to 3 weeks phase, the lashes stop growing and the hair follicle shrinks. If an eyelash falls out in this phase, it will not grow back straight away as the time of this cycle still needs to be completed.
•Telogen (Resting) Phase
This phase can last more than 100 days before the eyelash falls out and begins to grow again, typically between 4 to 8 weeks to fully replace an eyelash. It is normal for a few eyelashes to fall out most days.
When you have your eyelash extensions done, your therapist avoids putting extensions on lashes that are in the anagen phase. Unfortunately, it’s impossible for therapists to tell if your lashes are in the weakened telgon phase (as opposed to the catagen phase). This may lead to some lashes falling out earlier than others due to the cycle of the eyelash and not because of the eyelash extensions themselves.