Relax your mind, body and soul with our CBD experience.
Channelling your body’s energy for self healing and restoring the flow of energy throughout the body with the combination of CBD products and Hot Stones.
CBD interacts with neuroreceptors in your endocannabinoid system, which sends signals between your cells to help regulate your movement, mood, homeostasis and immune system.
CBD oil has also been shown to relieve arthritis pain, foot pain, scratches and scrapes, headaches, and digestive problems. CBD may even enhance your existing pain management treatments for sciatica and other hard-to-treat conditions.
Our therapist will use light fluid massage techniques to infuse CBD oil into your skin. After this oil is applied, we will use hot stones to create deep relaxation and improved circulation. The oil will be left on the skin to allow the CBD to soothe tense and stressed muscles, bring harmony to your serotonin levels, and can even provide relief from pain.
We will also perform a scalp massage using CBD hair serum. By using this product, it may leave a light film on your hair, however it is best to leave it on, as this is a high-quality CBD hair serum with premium CBD isolate, and several natural botanical oils, which keeps your scalp and hair healthy.
This experience feels like a warm hug in a safe place